
 Cruises On The Great Mazurian Lakes In Poland

The great Mazurian Lakes are many tracks hucked up by canal’s. How to get to know Tousand’s of Lakes?
Of course by our ships.

The brothers Mirosław Krzysztof Gostomski invite you on their great ships: ''Bosman'', ''Bosman II'' and ''Bosman III''. They are very comfortable commercial boat’s with bar, grill and washroom. (20-40 people occupency). 

'We can guarante, you will see the most wonderful sides of Great Mazurian Lakes.

Our proposition are:
  • Cruises,
  • Fishig trips,
  • Many variants of reach & beautifull nature,
  • Ocassional party on the deck of 'Bosman I' & 'Bosman II' & 'Bosman III'
Statek w kanale
Wyspa kormoranów
  • Our cruise line covered from Węgorzewo until Ruciana Nida & Pisz.
  • Tell us, if you need more information. We will be happy to help you.


Gostomski Krzysztof i Mirosław
11-500 Giżycko, ul. Żeromskiego 1A
Tel/fax +48 87 4285786, Tel +48 87 4285380
Mobil +48 603 288 359, Mobil +48 603 258 601

Statek Bosman I
Statek Bosman I
Nasz największy statek
Bosman I
Nasz największy statek
Zachód słońca z pokładu naszego statku
Statek Bosman I
Statek Bosman I
Ptactwo wodne
Wycieczki rowerowe
Połów płetwonurków
Statek Bosman
Statek Bosman
Statek Bosman I
Statek Bosman
Statek Bosman I
Statek Bosman I
Statek Bosman I
Statek Bosman I
Statek Bosman I
Statek Bosman I
Statek Bosman I
Statek Bosman I
Statek Bosman I

(C) 2007 by